Jembatani TBC Kampar
Stop TBC! Jembatani TBC Kampar merupakan sebuah program dari Yayasan Pendar Pagi yang di desain untuk memberikan dukungan layanan informasi dan pendampingan kasus TBC . . .
Stop TBC! Jembatani TBC Kampar merupakan sebuah program dari Yayasan Pendar Pagi yang di desain untuk memberikan dukungan layanan informasi dan pendampingan kasus TBC . . .
Cerdas Literasi is one of Pendar Pagi Foundation (YPP) programs in the field of education which aims (vision) to help and equip communities, schools or kindergartens. . .
The Integrated Farming (IF) program is a program that is expected to be a solution to economic difficulties or poverty, especially those that occur in fairly marginalized communities. . .
Finally! EZ is back for all of us. The Covid Pandemic period is an event that we never thought about before. The Covid pandemic is the reason EZ experienced . . .
A legacy of reading for a healthy and thriving society "Sis, can we read books now?" three children with sparkling eyes asked us. In the post . . .
The social service to examine children's eyes by YPP and PT Essilor Dunia is blurry. At least that's how 150 of Kalianyar's children view him. To them, the world seems not . . .
Staff from the Pendar Pagi Riau Foundation went to one of the hamlets in Teluk Kanidai village for the first time in 2012. The purpose of the visit was . . .
Building healthy money management patterns. The hustle and bustle accompanied by the sound of coins clicking; dust, fragrant smoke left behind every time a motorbike passes by, after the train tracks. . .
By Randi Sanjaya There are many benefits to learning English at the English Zone. I officially became a member of the English Zone (EZ) in February 2010. My time . . .
Testimony by Mrs. Haria My name is Mrs. Haria, I am 39 years old. I live in the village of Teluk Kanidai Dusun Satu. I have had cataracts since . . .