A blurry world becomes bright and clear

Children’s eye examinations conducted by YPP and PT Essilor

The world was a blurry place to some 150 children in Kalianyar, who couldn’t see clearly without the help of glasses. Recognizing the problem, Yayasan Pengar Pagi partnered with the subdistrict of Kalianyar and the Essilor Group to host “Shining Eyes,” a community service for the children of this West Jakarta area. Eye examinations were performed for 230 children, and 158 received free eyeglasses.

“Ya, when this kid watches TV she’s always so close,” said one of the mothers who accompanied her child to the eye exams.

“Has she ever worn glasses?” asked a YPP team member.

“Not yet. Recently we had some money, but we used it for a bag and shoes, so we thought we’d buy glasses later. Hey, now this program comes along – what a help!” The child, whose name is Sina, had an eye exam that revealed a rating of minus-4.

Another five-year-old has needed eye correction since birth. “When he was born,” said the Essilor technician who checked his eyes, “he had more red blood cells than white, and that’s affected his eyesight.” Several children complained of difficulty reading, which affected their grades. The felt much helped by the provision of new eyeglasses.

We trust the world will no longer be a blur for these children in Kalianyar. As they enjoy improved vision, we are convinced they are a step closer to a brighter future.

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