Different – but gifted

Tapping young potential in the Creative Club

“Kak, I’ll leave Septian with you okay? People say he’s autistic, but I’ve checked with a psychologist and he says he’s fine.” So it was when Septian first joined the Creative Club, brought by his mother.

From the outside Septian looks just like other kids, and mentally he is well developed; in fact he’s quite intelligent. But difficulties in communicating and expressing his feelings have made other kids reluctant to befriend him.

Now Septian has joined drawing lessons at the Creative Club in Kalianyar, West Jakarta. He’s happy to be in every class – he’s never late and he never misses a meeting.

“Oh yes, he likes to draw, Kak,” says his mother. “He always asked me to teach him, but, you know, I can’t draw. So I asked all over where I could find someone who could teach drawing. What do you know – I found it here, Sis. Praise God, Septian says he feels comfortable and likes it here.” We give thanks because children in the club have opened their hearts and accepted Septian. They often joke around, although sometimes Septian’s sensitive feelings make the other kids feel he’s a bit different.

Septian is representative of several children with special needs from low income families that YPP has come to know in the area. Working with special needs children calls for extra hard work, but YPP believes every child is God’s creation with the right to be loved, grow and become self reliant.

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